Newsbriefs from Dr. Shakuntala M. Vaswani, URI SE Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator
URI Receives ECOSOC Status with the United Nations
(URI Hub report—Monday, 29 October 2007)
URI has recently received official notice that the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations has granted URI Special Consultative Status. This will raise the visibility and status of URI in the world and will open the doors for the voices of URI to be heard.
The role of ECOSOC NGO will allow URI more full participation than our former status as an NGO with the UN Department of Public Information. We will be able to contribute to the agendas, programs, and goals of the United Nations by having additional representatives, attending hearings that are being held on topics of interest to the global URI community, and presenting relevant input both through oral participation and written documentation. Our ECOSOC status is one more stepping stone for URI's global activity to promote peace, justice, and healing for the Earth and all living beings.
Global Council TRUSTEE SELECTION 2007-2008
The process in which Cooperation Circles (CCs) around the Globe choose URI’s 2008-2011 Global Council will take place starting September 2007 until the elections in march 2008.The process will culminate during the Global Assembly in Mayapur, India, November 30—December 5,2008.
The purpose of the Global Council is to support URI members in making real the vision and values of URI’s Preamble, Purpose and Principles. The central spirit of the Global Council is one of Service informed by deep listening to the hopes and aspirations of the whole URI community.
There are three stages of the selection process:
1) Nomination of the Candidates (September-October 2007)
2) Election of Trustees (November 2007-March 2008)
3) Installation of the New Global Council at the Global Assembly I Mayapur (December 2008)
All CCs are encouraged to engage in URI’s third Trustee election