International Day of Peace – Malaysia
PETALING JAYA & TAIPING, MALAYSIA--The 2008 International Day of Peace is commemorated in Malaysia in many fronts. In one of these celebrations the Interfaith Spiritual Fellowship (INSaF)/KLCC, and Malaysian Interfaith Network CC, joined partners--the Service Civil International (SCI)-Malaysia, Malaysia for World Peace (M4WP), and Malaysian Indian Youth council -- in a 2-day event aimed at touching the hearts of the participants with peace activities that involved children, youth, schools, non-government organizations (NGO), and local council units.
The main feature of the event is a Peace Convoy that traveled some 330 kilometers from Petaling Jaya to Taiping. Held for a third year in a row, the travel to its destination (Taiping means “peace” in Mandarin) symbolizes a journeying together towards peace. The motorcade, which consisted of 15 cars and 50 NGOs, was launched with interfaith prayers where representatives from Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikh, and Taoism recited prayers for peace and safety of the trip.
At the launch of the event at the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) headquarters, PJ mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman announced its city council Local Agenda’s set priority on peace-building wherein workshops and speeches regarding the ‘alternative disputes resolution’ had been organised for community leaders to learn various techniques and approaches to solve community conflicts. As a peace gift from one Council to another, Roslan presented to chief delegate Sanggat Singh two Petaling trees which were then planted as Peace Trees at the ‘peace pole’ monument in Taiping.
Some of the other various activities for the event in Taiping include: Buka Puasa (breaking of the fast), peace video presentations, peace essay competition, peace art competition and exhibition, and launching of ‘1 Minute of Silence’ campaign and the Rakan Cop project.
They also conducted a visit to two famous of places of worship, launched the Peace One day campaign, viewed Special Olympic's film, and conducted a Signing of the Peace Declaration. The finale activity which concluded the event was the Lighting of Candles for Peace.
Chief High Priest of Malaysia Venerable K. Sri Dhammaratana Maha Nayaka Thera hoped that more organisations and people would organise such activities to foster good relationships. “This is a unique event to promote peace and harmony among Malaysians. Being a multiracial country, we should find ways to be united,” he said.