The program brought together distinguished speakers from seven major faiths (Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Baha’i, and Taoist) who each shared on how their respective religion contributes to peace and harmony in the world. The conference also gave the opportunity to introduce to the public the distinguished officers or URI as they heard messages from InSaF/URIKLCC Chairman & URI Trustee Dr. Amir Isahak; URI SEAP Founding Coordinator, Ms. Marites Africa; URI SEAP Regional Chairperson, Sr. Sandra Clemente; and URI Executive Director, Rev. Charles Gibbs; and URI global Council Chairperson, Ms. Yoland Tevino— who gave the key note speech.
During the later half of the conference a workshop was held where the participants were divided into seven groups to discuss suggestions and ideas that can be shared and implemented individually and socially to promote interfaith understanding and harmony and oneness of humanity. After the plenary the ideas shared were synthesized and a summary of current interfaith initiatives in Malaysia were presented.
Towards the end of the day there was a general sense of renewed inspiration as the conference successfully gathered together committed and like-minded people of goodwill who worked together for a fruitful dialogue in furthering unity in diversity and interfaith cooperation.
(In the upcoming issues we will be featuring excerpts from the messages of the panel of interfaith speakers.)